We believe that the true growth and success of any organization lies in their ability to listen, learn, and adapt based on the valuable feedback from their internal and external teams. At EvaluationsHub, we are revolutionizing B2B relationship management, enabling businesses to thrive and excel in an increasingly competitive world.

Dr. Bert Paesbrugghe

Founder & CEO of EvaluationsHub

At EvaluationsHub, Our mission is to assist managers in obtaining valuable feedback from their customers, empowering them to make informed decisions and focus on growth initiatives that are driven by customer insights

Unlocking Modern B2B Relationship
Excellence with EvaluationsHub

We are driven by a singular mission - to empower B2B companies in achieving and nurturing exceptional customer relationships. Our web application is the culmination of ten years of rigorous academic research conducted from the buyer's perspective. This groundbreaking research earned Dr. Bert Paesbrugghe, our founder, the prestigious first prize of the 20th Annual Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation at the American Marketing Association in 2017.

0 -15%
Customer-centric organizations that actively seek and listen to B2B customer opinions achieve 10-15% higher revenue growth.
0 %
86% of B2B customers expressed the desire to be heard by the companies they engage with.
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Incorporating feedback into decision-making processes leads to 4.6% higher customer satisfaction rates.

Trusted by +200 Small and Large Organizations

Our founder, Dr. Bert Paesbrugghe is a Professor
at IÉSEG School of Management in Paris.
He holds a PhD
in Business Economics from Ghent University and
Vlerick Business School. His research focuses on
buyer-seller relationships, industrial marketing, and
key account management.

Our core values

We uphold a set of core values that guide our actions, decisions, and interactions within our company
and with our valued clients. These values are the foundation of our culture and reflect our unwavering
commitment to excellence and a better society.

Revolutionizing B2B Relationships:
The Birth of Vockam

Transparency and Trust

We believe in fostering an environment of openness and transparency. Honesty forms the cornerstone of our relationships, both within our team and with our clients.

Being Responsible
for our Society

We recognize our responsibility towards the society and are committed to sustainable practices. We aim to minimize our environmental impact by adopting eco-friendly approaches in our operations, product development, and daily activities.

Ethical Practices and Accountability

Integrity is at the heart of everything we do. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and expect the same from our team members.

Driving Positive Change: Supporting Pledge 1%.
At EvaluationsHub, we believe in the power of business to create
a positive impact in society. As part of our commitment to
corporate social responsibility, we proudly support and
contribute to the Pledge 1% movement. By pledging 1% of
our resources, time, and product to charitable causes, we strive
to make a meaningful difference in the world
around us.

About Dr. Bert Paesbrugghe

Our story

Unveiling the Disconnect:
Sales vs. Purchasing

In the PhD dissertation "Salespeople are from Mars, Purchasers are from Venus," our founder embarked on a mission to uncover the disconnect between sales managers and purchasers in the B2B landscape. Through in-depth interviews and analysis, a striking realization emerged – there was a significant gap between the two sides, hindering effective collaboration and understanding.

Bridging the Gap: Academic
Insights and Industry Realities

To validate the findings and bridge the buyer-seller gap, Bert delved deeper into the disconnect within B2B relationships. Drawing on rigorous academic research and real-world experiences, Dr. Paesbrugghe sought to combine the insights gained from both domains to create an innovative solution that would revolutionize the way businesses fostered these critical connections.

Empowering Sales Managers:
Streamlining Feedback Collection for Growth

During Bert’s tenure as a professor at IÉSEG School of Management, teaching customer experience and sales management classes to executives, he witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by sales managers in collecting and leveraging feedback. Inspired by their struggles and driven by a passion for empowering them, the idea for EvaluationsHub was born. Our platform was designed to streamline and simplify feedback collection, freeing sales managers to focus on strategic growth initiatives. With EvaluationsHub, we provide a recipe for success with a simple click of a button. Based on your specific business and segment, our platform offers a complete worked-out periodic calendar, suggesting the types of evaluations needed to maximize results.

Driving Positive Change: Leveraging
Supplier Scorecards for Impact

Purchasers often faced an uphill battle when it came to effectively utilizing the valuable insights captured in supplier scorecards. These meticulously crafted evaluations were often met with resistance or indifference from suppliers, preventing meaningful action and improvement. Recognizing this roadblock, EvaluationsHub stepped in to facilitate effective communication and collaboration, empowering purchasers to drive positive change based on the comprehensive data-driven evaluations they had painstakingly developed.

Unleashing the Power of Feedback:
Revolutionizing B2B Relationships

At EvaluationsHub, we believe that feedback is the lifeblood of successful buyer-seller relationships. We have set out on a mission to unleash the power of feedback by equipping sales managers with the necessary tools and resources to truly understand their customers' needs. By fostering a data-driven and feedback-centric approach, we empower companies to transcend traditional methods and unlock the true potential of their B2B relationships.

Collaborating for Success:
Academics and Industry Experts

To develop exceptional content and resources, we collaborate with leading academics and industry experts. By harnessing their expertise and insights, we ensure that our solutions are backed by cutting-edge research and practical knowledge. This collaborative approach creates a rich ecosystem of knowledge that not only benefits our clients but also contributes to the advancement of B2B relationship management as a whole.

Expert Guidance: Board of Advisors

EvaluationsHub benefits from the wisdom and expertise of a distinguished Board of Advisors. These accomplished
executives bring a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to our organization.

Ton Geurts

Former CPO at Akzo Nobel, Bekaert, and DSM, currently serves as the director of BISCI and partner at Ximpax.

Rasmus Åradsson

A partner at the renowned advisory firm Intenz, offers invaluable insights to help shape our strategic direction.

Richard Isley

Deputy director of the Association of Key Account Management (AKAM) and president of SMCG in the UK, provides his deep understanding of key account management practices.

Together, our team is dedicated to revolutionizing key account management through EvaluationsHub's
innovative SaaS software. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey and experience
the power of modern key account management for your B2B business.

Our Offices

EvaluationsHub takes great pride in our office locations, strategically situated in three dynamic cities.
These offices serve as our hubs for delivering exceptional B2B relationship management solutions,
ensuring accessibility, innovation, and a global perspective.

La Défense, Paris:
Embracing Business Excellence

Our office in the prestigious La Défense district of Paris provides us with a prime position for collaboration with industry leaders. Surrounded by towering skyscrapers and renowned multinational corporations, we are inspired by the thriving business ecosystem that drives us to constantly enhance our solutions and stay ahead of the curve.

Ghent, Belgium:
European Collaboration Hub

Situated in Ghent, Belgium, our office places us at the heart of Europe's dynamic business landscape. We are privileged to connect with diverse talents and industry influencers in this vibrant city. Ghent's rich history and progressive mindset inspire us to foster collaboration and drive forward the field of B2B relationship management throughout Europe.

La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, Île-de-France:
Inspiring Creativity and Growth

Located on the eastern outskirts of Paris, our La Ferté-sous-Jouarre office offers a serene and stimulating environment. Amidst picturesque landscapes and the tranquil French countryside, our team finds inspiration to think creatively and develop innovative strategies for our clients. This peaceful setting fosters an atmosphere of productivity and originality.

Meet Suzy:
Our Beloved Office Cat

Adding a touch of warmth and companionship to our work environment is Suzy, our cherished office cat. Suzy's playful nature and comforting presence create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for our team members. Her presence reminds us to find joy in the small moments and to appreciate the balance between work and well-being.

Careers and Job Openings

Join Our Dynamic Team

As EvaluationsHub continues to expand, we are actively seeking talented individuals to join our dynamic team. Currently, we have exciting opportunities for Business Developers in various regions across the globe. If you are passionate about transforming B2B relationship management and eager to contribute your skills, we invite you to explore our job openings and become part of our thriving team.

Join us in shaping the future of B2B relationships and embark on a rewarding career where your expertise and ambition are valued. At EvaluationsHub, we are driven by innovation, collaboration, and a dedication to excellence. Together, we are making a significant impact in the industry and propelling businesses toward success.